+45 47 50 51 10
Specialoffers and used machines
We perform service and maintenance and provides up to 5 years warranty
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Specialoffers and used machines
Click on products below for more informations:
Compact 600B
Compact 80.T / 100.T
Compact 900-B
Compact 800-L / 1000-L
Compact 1000 / 1200 / 1400
Compact. 1D. 1000-1200-1400-1800
Compact 643 - Barsket Washer..
Compact Multi-stage machine
Compact 300.G
Conveyor machine 602G
Compact Clean ApS // Møllevej 3 // 3630 Jægerspris // // Tlf.: +45 47 50 51 10 // Fax: +45 47 50 54 10